Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Gave myself my first shot at home this morning, and it was easier and quicker than expected. Just laid out my supplies and sat down in front of the window where there was nice light, and called out a warning to Rochelle, who isn't the most fond of needles, that she might want to stay out of the bedroom for a minute or two while I did the actual jabbing. I noticed that a tiny bit of the T oil leaked out of the injection site while I was unwrapping my bandaid, but I think that's pretty normal. Just because I haven't noticed it before doesn't mean it hasn't happened, so no worries.
I'm about fifteen minutes away for heading upstairs to participate in a panel that's being put on by the GLBTQ Caucus at the Social Work School where I work. It's supposedly going to be GLBT 101 for the students, so that those who don't know much can get some perspective/education, and have an opportunity to ask questions. It's me, a faculty member, and three students, and I'm only a little nervous about it. We're supposed to each "tell a story" about our GLBTQ/whatever identity, and then there'll be a question and answer period. I'm not sure if this is going to be the most effective to fulfil the goals for this meeting (not that I'm totally clear what the goals are, beyond an undefined "education" of the "student community" about "populations they may be working with."

I'm not even sure which letter I'm supposed to represent, but since I can fairly claim pretty much all of them (or at least I have at one point in my life) I'm sure I won't come up short.

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